If you have an ecommerce website and you are looking for increased visibility, and crucially revenue, from Google organic search then the Coleman Marketing Ecommerce SEO Consultancy service is designed for you. Here’s just a few reasons why I could be the SEO consultant you are looking for:
- I’ve spent 25 years in various ecommerce roles, both retailer side and agency side. I understand what it takes to make an ecommerce business successful
- I have deep hands on expertise with most major ecommerce platforms, I know their strengths & weaknesses, and crucially what can be done with them to really make a difference to organic rankings
- I don’t do SEO for non-ecommerce sites, I’m a true ecommerce SEO specialist
- I’m not bound by standard SEO tools, yes I’ve got a great SEO toolkit but if I need something bespoke to solve a problem I’ve got the technical skills to build it
- My work speaks for itself. If you want to know more then contact me and I’ll talk you through some examples and how I can apply the same techniques to your website
Please do get in touch and let’s see how I can help.
As an ecommerce consultant with 25 years industry experience I only do SEO for ecommerce. Magento, Shopify, and SFCC (Demandware) are my specialties. One of the biggest issues I see with SEO on ecommerce websites is merchants who have entrusted potentially one of their most important marketing channels to a generalist SEO practitioner. Often this means they are faced with less than stellar results declare that organic search simply isn’t the channel for them.
In the majority of cases, they simply required a strategic approach tailored to ecommerce, and that’s where my expertise becomes invaluable.
I built my first ecommerce website back in 1998. Back then we weren’t spoiled with the array of platforms we have today, everything was hand rolled. Coincidentally 1998 was also the year Google launched so my entire professional life in Ecommerce has been closely linked to Larry and Sergey’s all consuming behemoth.

My first commercial ecommerce website back then was for McLaren, best known for Formula 1, so you can imagine that being in that industry the leadership team were data obsessed. Barely a day had passed before I was asked “how many hits* have we had? how many t-shirts have we sold? how can we do more more more”. Step one was to build a way to measure these metrics we were commonly asked for. Google Analytics wasn’t a thing yet so again we hand-rolled our own and reported on the metrics we thought were important (website visits, “browse to buy ratio”, orders, revenue) and sent them to the key stakeholders on a weekly basis.
It didn’t take long until we realised that Google was going to be a massive source of traffic for us, and if we appeared in more searches then we’d make more money. This was my first experience of SEO.
I’ve spent my entire career since in the ecommerce space with one foot in marketing, one in technology, and one (ahem) in data, so when it comes to SEO for Ecommerce I’ve developed a bit of a knack for it. We’re talking blending my experience with my ecommerce toolkit to start getting you results right away. Why should you wait up to 3 months for an agency to complete their tech audit and strategy before they even start your optimisation when there are a bunch of difference making actions right there you could be getting on with now?
Why is Ecommerce SEO Different?
But why would you need an ecommerce specialist SEO consultant? Wouldn’t the same general rules and process apply? Well yes and no, you see an ecommerce website is organised in a particular way, the data is structured and the product taxonomy is incredibly import. If you understand the platform then you can take advantage of this in ways that non-specialist SEOs might not spot.
If you are really lucky you’ll find an SEO consultant who has specific hands on technology and trading experience with your platform. This is something I can claim for Magento/Adobe Commerce, Shopify/Shopify Plus, and Demandware/SFCC, having held certifications and/or partnership status on all 3.
Right now I have a number of ecommerce SEO clients across a range of industries and I’m often called on by agencies to assist with their site migrations, but am always keen to see who else I can help. So if you are an ecommerce brand looking to do something more with your organic search channel, especially if you have previously had your fingers burned by other consultants/agencies then please hit me up on LinkedIn or fill in my contact form and let’s have a chat.
*hits for you kids was a misused term that most people thought meant “sessions”